Sunday, 9 March 2008


I took the chance to get out for a relaxing Sunday walk today. Caught the train to Haltingen and then walked up the hill to Ötlingen where I had a Schorle outdoors on the terrace at the Gasthaus zum Ochsen ("Ox Inn"). Afterwards, I walked a few metres along the village road to the Muusloch - which was just opening, so I stayed a while and had a Viertele of Weißburgunder sat under the pergola by the entrance [hic].

It was a pleasant hour and a half I spent up there in Ötlingen. One feature in the village which caught my attention was the series of artist murals and sculptures along the length of the village road outside houses. This arty theme is currently the village's leitmotif - and is seemingly all the work of just a handful of locals.

Actually, I've just spotted this (could be interesting...):

Sonntag, 13. Apr 2008
15:00 Uhr
Das „ART“-Dorf Ötlingen - neu
Sigrid Droguet wird auf ihrer Tour durch Ötlingen von alten Herrenhäusern und deren Geschichte erzählen, Sie durch versteckte Winkel von Ötlingen führen und Ihnen dabei auch die „Art”-Galerie entlang der Dorfstraße erläutern.
Treffpunkt: Vor dem Gasthaus Ochsen


Anonymous said...

Hi Simon. Very happy to see your comments about Ötlingen.

Did you happen to come across this house?


Simon Jones said...

Hi Steve,
Oh yes, I know that house. You can actually see it on the street scene photo I've posted here. It's about 50 metres away on the left-hand side of the road.

Anonymous said...

How funny. The Koger Haus isn't it?

If I'm correct, this is on the side of that house, and it has been in my family for ages.

- S

Simon Jones said...

It's a possibility! I'll check it out for you next I'm up there (possibly around Easter time).
